Time to SLOW down


Greetings Yogis!

I hope everyone enjoyed the magic of last night’s full moon. Whether you could see her or not, the energy was still there. For those who don’t know, I am also the co-founder of an app called Moonlit Tribe, where we offer Full & New Moon Ceremonies as well as guided meditations, all specific to the unique energy of each individual moon. It is called moonLIT, because we use the energy of the moon to send blessing of Liberation, Illumination, and Transformation into the world at large through our astro-insights, mantras, suggested practices, meditations, journal prompts, etc. I hope you will take some time to enjoy yesterday’s ritual on the app if you haven’t already. I bring this up because we are currently in a powerful energetic shift that we can either flow with or force ourselves against… Regardless, the energy of the world is changing- it is our choice to ride the wave or struggle to stay afloat in the rough, shallow waters.  


Let’s face it, we live in a world of constant consumption- all day, everyday we are consuming food, information, and other people’s energy. As a result, we are too full and foggy to make clear and conscious decisions. We feel confused, cloudy, and exhausted. Enter the magic of yesterday’s Full Moon in the organized and focused sign of Virgo. The astrological overview of the year 2020: clarity. This year (and especially this week) represents a threshold- stepping out of one room and into another. This is a year of in-betweens, transitions, and transformations, both on a personal level and global level. As a result of this year of transition, it is easy for us to feel lost and confused, in desperation for clarity. Let us think of this year as one of 20/20 vision- complete focus. Easier said than done, of course, because transitions are governed by movement and when we’re in constant movement, it’s hard to think, see, and hear clearly.


However, if we take time to work WITH this energy instead of force ourselves against it, we will experience the clarity we all so desperately crave and deserve. And so, I invite you to take this week (and this year) to SLOW down and get quiet enough to truly hear, see, think, and feel for yourself. You see, we live in a world of co-dependency, where we are constantly depending on others to think, feel, say, and do for us. We are crippled at the thought of going to an event that is outside of our comfort zones by ourselves (I’m speaking generally- I know this isn’t everyone’s story). We are in a constant state of “needing” opinions, approval, and validation from others. We are always consuming & going and rarely take the time to digest. And so, my invitation to you all this week is to slow down, get clear about what is valuable in your life, make your own choices, and step out of the comfort zone of co-dependency (aka confusion and fogginess- it’s time to find that good light, honey)!

Within any tribe, both ancient and modern, on a micro and macro level, each soul has a very specific and unique role/purpose. This duty is based on the individual’s special gifts (which everyone on earth has) so that they can be of service to this mighty world. This service helps the entire tribe experience balance and homeostasis. When one person isn’t performing their divinely gifted duties, the entire tribe suffers. We are experiencing this like crazy on a global level right now amongst the vast tribe of humanity. And so, I offer these words as your invitation to use this week (and this year) to get focused and gain clarity on your life, your purpose, your service to the world.

Not sure where to begin? Try these tools:

  1. Yoga - duh! But, consider classes you wouldn’t normally go to or practice in a spot you wouldn’t normally practice in. Once you enter the studio, silence your phone and simply go BE on your mat, enjoying the medicine of quiet. Break free from the patterns that honestly just keep us stuck.

  2. Meditate- again, duh… with no need for a result or outcome, just welcome the quiet and rest easy. I love to take this time while in the carpool line! It doesn’t have to be with incense, an altar, and some profound setting. Just sit quietly and focus your awareness on the breath.

  3. Sign up for an event solo- without knowing if any of your “people” are coming- We’ve got you covered, obviously: Spring Equinox at the Powerhouse, The Ashtanga Primary Series Workshop with guest teacher Flo Sheffield, and Sacred Surrender Retreat in Tulum, Mexico (to name a few).

  4. Take a walk outside without earbuds- just allow nature to be your soundtrack.

  5. JOURNAL- set a timer for 5 minutes and WRITE- this can be a to-do list, ideas you have for a new business, your current emotional state- anything- allow the mind to digest, just as the body does.


Sending many blessings for clarity in your life!

Sat Nam,


Toni Lum