Attitude of Gratitude


Attitude of Gratitude.

By now I’m sure you've heard this phrase many times... Maybe you’ve heard it so many times that it has almost become a platitude. You think that it’s overused because it rhymes and it’s cute and trendy. If this is the case, I ask you to open your mind and listen up for real one last time...


Have you ever wondered why holidays like Thanksgiving and Valentine's day seem to be so filled with love for our family and friends, compared to the “normal” days during the year? I truly believe it is because these holidays remind us to be grateful for the people and relationships in our lives. Imagine what would happen if we reminded ourselves to be grateful the other 333 days of the year, if we mindfully and purposefully copied and pasted this attitude of gratitude into our everyday lives! Just imagine. Our relationships with ourselves, with others, and with our lives would dramatically change. The thing is, cultivating an attitude of gratitude has the power to transform our mindset from negative to positive, making us more optimistic, and shedding more light on the good in life.

Here’s an everyday exercise in the Attitude of Gratitude- sometime during the day, think of five things you are grateful for and jot them down. At least two of them have to be small things- this helps to encourage the mind to notice and appreciate everything, not only grand gestures and events.

Here’s mine from today:

  1. I am so grateful for the balance I have found at River Flow Yoga. The rest (Grounding, Foundations, & Restore) is just as important as the work (Ashtanga & Sweat)

  2. I am grateful for my partner in life Alex.  Truly, this could be my entire list

  3. I am grateful my cat that cuddles with me in bed every night

  4. I am grateful my best friend from high school called me last night.  Every time we talk it’s a hoot!

  5. I am grateful for my to-do list. Ya girl loooooves routine

Even if you had a bad day, I challenge you to fill up your list! Acknowledging gratitude, no matter how small the reason, and giving it a place to live in your mind will improve your mood, your attitude towards yourself and others, and your life! 

Next time you come to your mat I encourage you to breathe through your daily list. Meditate on your list and let it fuel your fire for everyday living. It may sound silly, but allow every day to feel like Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, a birthday, etc. The more you practice the attitude of gratitude, the easier it will come to you, and the more profound its effect will be.


Toni Lum